4 minutes estimated reading time
2 minutes estimated reading time
At Mack Industries, we help contractors, excavators and specifiers meet their tight deadlines when they need a precast box culvert. We understand that anything that delays their work, including bad weather, can be costly. A precast box culvert can serve any type of construction site with a waterway, such as a creek, stream or river […]
Providing an extra element of protection for loved ones, a concrete burial vault can protect a casket, shielding it from various forces. Protecting the Casket Cemeteries may experience “grave depressions” caused by heavy grave-digging equipment, underground water sources, and pressure from excavated soil. Grave depressions occur when an already-buried coffin is deformed due to these […]
3 minutes estimated reading time
Commercial wastewater treatment systems are crucial for getting many construction projects up and running. While wastewater treatment may not always attract the attention of more prominent development projects, such as solar power stations or recreational facilities, it remains a critical component. Inadequate planning or execution in this area can lead to significant cost overruns and […]
Reducing the noise from a nearby expressway sounds simple: put up a noise wall. But not all noise walls provide the same levels of sound reduction or aesthetics. Mack Industries offers a range of cost-effective, superior noise walls tailored to your specific needs. Why choose Mack Industries for noise walls? Precast Concrete Walls: Engineered to […]
Hollow Core concrete slabs provide ideal floors and roofs for a variety of construction projects and offer superior performance when specified as elements of parking garages, short-span bridges, and other commercial and residential applications. They enable quick construction installation, cut labor requirements, and reduce onsite project costs. Precast Hollowcore can span long spaces easily, giving […]