Precast Box Culvert

Precast Box Culvert

November 14, 2023

At Mack Industries, we help contractors, excavators and specifiers meet their tight deadlines when they need a precast box culvert. We understand that anything that delays their work, including bad weather, can be costly. A precast box culvert can serve any type of construction site with a waterway, such as a creek, stream or river that needs to be crossed to allow full site access and utility. Mack box culverts are available in three-sided and four-sided sections. We have the ability to manufacture and deliver a range of sizes, from 2 ft – 10 ft rise and 6 ft – 28 ft span for our 3-sided boxes. For decades, the following types of customers have relied on us when they needed a precast box culvert.

  • Contractors
  • Excavators
  • Townships
  • Cities
  • Counties
  • Manufacturing operations
  • Retail outlets
  • Homeowners
  • Planned unit developments
  • Medical facilities
  • Office complexes
  • Apartment complexes

Advantages of a Precast Box Culvert

A precast box culvert from Mack Industries will be designed for ASTM C-1577 precast specifications and meet HL-93 loading for trucks.

Our precast culverts will offer multiple advantages over cast-in-place and circular concrete pipes. Box culverts, due to their design, can drain a higher volume of water or flow rate than pipes, offering superior strength and easier installation. Other key benefits include:

Highly Durable, Long-Lasting

When you choose a precast box culvert from Mack Industries, you benefit from a product manufactured in a controlled environment, ensuring consistent quality and uniformity. Unlike pour-on-site projects, our process allows us to meticulously manage temperature, materials, curing conditions, and workmanship. This results in a highly durable and long-lasting solution tailored to meet your project’s specific needs.

A Cleaner Worksite

Since we manufacture box culverts at our facility and deliver them to the job site, there is significantly less noise, dust, truck traffic, and mess compared to projects that require concrete to be poured on-site. In addition, a precast box culvert from Mack Industries is standardized so it will be easier to install. This helps save time and energy, lower noise levels and minimize emissions released by gas and diesel powered equipment.

Additional Benefits

A precast box culvert from Mack Industries will help lower your costs, simplify your projects and make your timelines more predictable. Regardless of the weather, you can install a box culvert on the day it’s delivered. Additional key benefits include:

  • Lower material costs
  • Lower labor costs
  • Mack technical support
  • Quick ship delivery
  • No waiting for concrete to cure
  • Cleaner job sites
  • Highly efficient installation

Contact us today for more information about how we can help you with your next project.
